If there is one mistake that we really want everyone to stop making while cleaning their carpets, it is washing the cleaning solution off immediately after applying it. Some assume that the moment the cleaning fluid touches the fibers it has already done its job, but suffice it to say that it is not a magical substance so you need to give it a while to work its chemical processes in some way, shape or form. That said, leaving the solution on your carpet for hours is not going to be ideal either at any given point in time.
A big part of the reason why that is the case has to do with the fact that excessive soaking of cleaning fluid could begin to break apart the very fibers that comprise your rug. Any carpet cleaning service conroe that is worth its salt will tell you that the optimal duration to leave your cleaning solution on your carpet for is about thirty minutes. This is not a fixed time range, though, so you have a bit of a buffer if you want to clean it up sooner or later.
Just make sure that you leave the solution on for a bare minimum of twenty minutes and a maximum of forty five minutes. A couple minutes here or there won’t hurt anyone, but they won’t do much good either so you should at the very least try your level best to attain a reasonable amount of precision in this regard. It also depends on the solution that you use, and proper dilution methods can help increase your buffer window thereby making these cleaning products safer to use.